"Christ is the medicine for the sick man, and the water of the baptism in Spirit that puts out the blaze of the world."
From the Fifth Experience of Raymond Nader with Saint Sharbel. Read the story of Raymond Nader’s Experience with Saint Sharbel.
O Lord, grant eternal rest to your priests and bishops, our fathers and our brothers, who in this world administered your mysteries and served at your altars. Maronite Liturgy - Commemoration of the Priests Week
Lord, in your baptism, the Church rejoiced because you established the mystery of baptism for the pardon of sins and the sanctification of souls. Maronite Liturgy
Lord God, through your baptism you clothed us with the garments of glory and marked us with the seal of the living Holy Spirit. Maronite Liturg
You remade the image of Adam through the fire of the pure spiritual light which is baptism. Maronite liturgy
He went back across the Jordan to the place where John first baptized, and there he remained. Many came to him and said, “John performed no sign, but everything John said about this man was true.” And many there began to believe in him. John 10:40-42
We adore and confess you, One God in three persons, for you appeared in a wondrous manner at the baptism of the Son, when the Father gave witness to him, and the Spirit descended upon him. Maronite Liturgy
Lord, your flock honors your holy baptism, rejoices at your marvelous manifestation, and thanks you for your humility. Maronite Liturgy
February 2025
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