Saint Sharbel Stained Glass Window
Commissioning and installation of a semi-circular stained-glass window (3-foot tall and 6-foot wide) of the image of Saint Sharbel in the new Narthex of St. Lawrence Catholic Church-Alexandria, Virginia. We will also design a plaque with the saint's name and dedication that will be installed below the window.
A while ago, St. Lawrence Catholic Church started some remodeling and construction projects. Five stained-glass windows (Saints Michael, Pio, John Paul II, and the Blessed Virgin) were to be added. Some parishioners wanted to sponsor one of the windows and dedicate it to Saint Sharbel. They pledged $17,000 out of the total cost.
The Family of Saint Sharbel held meetings with Deacon Mike Waters and the church staff, and pledged $10,000. In addition, the church will accept books related to Saint Sharbel from the Family and offer or sell them to parishioners.
This gift will greatly inspire parishioners and visitors and will also assist greatly in spreading the knowledge of this Saint's holiness and his love for Christ in order to bring others to the fullness of faith.