Raymond Nader's Mystical Experience with Saint SharbelRaymond Francis Nader is a Maronite Christian, born in 1961 in Lebanon, married and the father of three. He obtained a degree in Electro-Mechanical Engineering from Saint Joseph University in Beirut. Later in London, he further specialized in nuclear physics and worked in advanced technologies.
Since he was a child, he was fascinated with the story of creation and the universe. During the Lebanese war (1975-1990), Raymond returned to Lebanon to be with his parents and compatriots. He enrolled in the Lebanese Christian Forces and participated in various battles defending the Christian community. He served as a high-ranking officer and was the Commander of the school of officers. At the end of the war, he returned to civilian life and ... |
First ExperienceChrist is the Truth of Love IncarnatBefore the beginning was love. Everything came to be through love, and without love, nothing...
Second ExperienceMan Will Die if He Is Not Transformed into LoveWhy are people going downward when the road to God leads upward? People are carrying many...
Third ExperienceYour Work in this World
Fourth ExperienceYour Weakness Is There for You to Overcome
Every padlock has a key, and every door has a lock that can be opened only by its key. Death has...
Fifth ExperienceDo Good Untiringly
Sixth ExperienceSanctity is a Choice
Seventh ExperienceYour Journey in This World Is the Trip of Your Sanctity
All people were given ears to hear, but those who do hear are few; and of those who hear, those who...
Eighth ExperienceSanctity is Your Goal
Ninth ExperienceAxis of the Universe
Tenth ExperienceWalk the Path of Sanctity in the Joy of the ResurrectionYou are walking on the paths of your life carrying many loads, burdens and concerns, carrying some...
Eleventh ExperienceYour Future is the First Day in the Next WorldObserve how the birds of the sky carefully build their nests, gently lay their eggs and tenderly watch over...
Twelfth ExperienceChrist is the Foundation of God’s BuildingWhen the lamp dims into darkness, it is replenished with oil. Now the lamp is dimming...
Thirteenth ExperienceLove is a Light that Shines
Love is not attachment, because love is freedom and attachment is bondage. God is freedom. Love is...
Fourteenth ExperienceConfess Your Sins and You Will Kill the Evil That Is in YouWhen Christ ascended, Satan fell. Those clinging to Satan are going with him, and whoever is...
Fifteenth ExperienceMotion and Life
Sixteenth ExperienceEvery Family is a Holy Family
Excerpts From Remaining MessagesExcerpts from Five Remaining Messages of St. Sharbel
The shepherd’s staff is used to guide and protect the flock against wolves and beasts of the forest. The staff of the ...