The Family of Saint Sharbel has endeavored to produce this book, in English and Arabic, which chronicles the life of Saint Sharbel, from his birth to his canonization, based on its vocation, inspired by Saint Sharbel’s spirituality, of radically living the Gospel in the heart of the parish and society.
The illustrated book is 62 letter-size pages in full color.
Our team has continuously worked for three years to produce this book: they collected information, wrote the script, drew the illustrations, did the proofreading and edits, and translated the book to multiple languages. They all worked joyfully to spread the Good News, scatter the fragrance of holiness, and sow the seeds of faith, hope, and love.
Your generous donations help the Family of Saint Sharbel print and ship the first 5,000 copies of each language.
GOAL AMOUNT: $10,000
Saint Sharbel is a light that leads people to Christ.In order to bring this light to every home and family, and to spread the spirituality of Saint Sharbel and the Maronite church, The Family published this illustrated storybook in Arabic and English with the purpose of: