Lord, rich in grace and truth, grant us the gifts of meekness, calm, mercy, compassion, and spiritual understanding. Maronite Liturgy
Then the king will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.’ Mt 25:34-36
A course built on Christ is better than a high tower that tumbles down under the wind. From the Twelfth Experience of Raymond Nader with Saint Sharbel.
Read more from the Twelfth Experience. Read the story of Raymond Nader’s Experience with Saint Sharbel. God of goodness, count us among those invited to your spiritual banquet, and grant us a place at your right hand. Maronite Liturgy
No matter how tempting the temptation is, it does not justify sin. From the Eleventh Experience of Raymond Nader with Saint Sharbel.
Read more from the Eleventh Experience. Read the story of Raymond Nader’s Experience with Saint Sharbel. Lord God, grant that we may never cease to long for the heavenly kingdom you have promised us. Maronite Liturgy
You are absorbed, looking in front of you, ignoring the light that lights up your darkness. From the Twelfth Experience of Raymond Nader with Saint Sharbel.
Read more from the Twelfth Experience. Read the story of Raymond Nader’s Experience with Saint Sharbel. |
November 2024
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