It is a typical New England, winter day: overcast skies and temperatures hovering above freezing. Inside, our well-heated monastery makes for a cozy home, taking most of the effects of winter off our minds as we live another day of contemplative, monastic life near the Blessed Sacrament...
Discipleship (Fr. Maroun Moubarak, M.L.M.)
This is the third consecutive encounter with the Family of Saint Sharbel in which we conclude a year and begin another, brimming as we are with Christian with joy and open to God’s Word and to one another. This encounter is no coincidence, but...
Follow me with Mary (Fr. Maroun Moubarak, M.L.M.)
The topic of “followship” has been exclusively linked to religious and consecrated life, even though it regards Christian life as a whole. We will meditate together on all meanings of followship,..
Followship and the Mission of Evangelization (Fr. Maroun Moubarak, M.L.M.)
Our topic centers around “the mission of evangelization,” which is an important aspect of mission, which, in turn, is a cornerstone of Christian life. One cannot follow Christ without committing to the mission...
How to lead a Christian life (Fr. Maroun Moubarak, M.L.M.)
From a spiritual perspective, however, Christianity is more than just a philosophy or a principled way of life. It is an “experience” that a person lives within an immediate relationship based on “teachings” gleamed from Scripture and other experiences lived across centuries, and led by the “Holy Spirit.”...