The Month of the Rosary (Deacon George Geagea)
October, as the Month of the Rosary, is a time of renewal for those who are already deeply familiar with this powerful prayer. For many, the Rosary is a daily companion, guiding hearts and minds toward Christ through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. During this special month, we are invited to deepen our meditation on the mysteries and the transformative power of the Rosary, as it continuously shapes us into more faithful disciples of Christ.
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin (Fr. George El-Andari)
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin is understood by the whole Church as the term for which the Blessed Virgin soon after her death, was taken up body and soul to heaven to be forever throned above the angels and Saints. The word assumption derives from the Latin word “assūmptiō,” meaning taking up. She was lifted up by God to the degree of glory for which she had been predestined. The Assumption of Mary is the fourth dogma of the Marian Dogmas of the Catholic Church...
The Virgin Mary Throughout the History of the Church (Fr. Kamil AlChouefati)
There is a close connection between the Virgin Mary and Christ. If the Christian religion is primarily to preach the mystery of Christ, the God of man, then it does not make sense for it to neglect the part of which Christ was incarnated. Therefore, Christians inherited honor and respect for the Virgin Mary by adopting the Christian religion and by approving the law of faith...
Embracing Mary's Model: A Call to Transformative Faith (Deacon George Geagea)
In the heart of our Christian narrative lies a figure of unparalleled grace and obedience, Mother Mary, whose role in relation to the birth of Christ provides not only a cornerstone of faith but a blueprint for transformative living. This article seeks to explore Mary's profound contribution to our spiritual heritage and also...
The Immaculate Conception (Maronite Liturgy)
For some time, there have been many ambiguities surrounding the dogma of the Immaculate Conception. Some have confused this doctrine with that of the virginal conception, the conception of Jesus in the womb of Mary by the ...
Mary, Mother of the Church (Sister Mary Antoinette Saade, Maronite Sisters of the Holy Family)
She is one of our daughters, from our land; a daughter who smells like the good earth created by God; one of our daughters, one of our women; a woman who carries humanity (and creation) in her own constitution. Mary is a woman full of warmth, humanity, enthusiasm and vitality...
Mary, the Poor One (Fr. Dawood Kawkabany)
Virgin Mary’s concern is always to remind us of Jesus. Regrettably, many times we are so taken with her that we forget Jesus. This does not please her and should not please us either...
True Devotion to Mary (Fr. Chawki Karam)
In a Marian Church, such as the Eastern Church, in general, and the Maronite Church, in particular, there is no need to call and exhort people to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary, because devotion to Mary is widespread...