Testimony of Flossie Morton
Dear FSS,
I am ashamed of myself for taking so long to write a testimonial of when Saint Sharbel healed my son Bob Morton’s eye cancer years ago. I did try to write a 3-page account, but I stopped because I realized it was Father Matthew Hinks that called me when he heard from his mother (Therese Harrington) who was one of my best friends and died a few months ago at the age of 96!!!!
At Therese's funeral, I was able to talk to Father Matthew, and I told him I never finished the testimonial I had been asked to write because I only heard from him how powerful Saint Sharbel was on a phone call after he had heard about my son’s illness through his wonderful mother (Therese), who he spoke to every Monday on the phone. (Father Hinks is stationed in Ohio; Therese and I were in Vermont.)
When I [originally] spoke with Fr. Hinks, I asked him how he found out what a powerful Saint Saint Sharbel was. He told me that a woman who attended one of his retreats came up to him after it was over and told him that she had inoperable brain cancer. Fr. Hinks and this woman prayed to Saint Sharbel for God to heal her!
Fr. Hinks told me that it was not long at all, maybe a month or two after he and the sick woman spoke, that this woman came back to where he was and told him that she had proof from her doctors that her brain cancer was healed! He also told me that this woman bought a plane ticket to the country of Lebanon where Saint Sharbel was buried. She walked into the large office near the gravesite of Saint Sharbel and told the people there where she had come from and that she wanted them to know that Saint Sharbel had healed her brain cancer, and of course she showed them all the proof. They told her that they were so happy for her but that her miracle was the 646th in that month!!!!
When I heard this news from Fr. Hinks, I could not wait to look Saint Sharbel up on the internet. Once I did, I contacted the closest office containing Saint Sharbel religious articles, which happened to be in Virginia. I found the address on the internet. My letter was answered with a phone call from a wonderful member of the Family of Saint Sharbel who was in charge of sending religious articles like novena books, beautiful metals, relics, and books about Saint Sharbel’s life. I immediately asked him to send me many of the wonderful religious articles.
My prayer life from that moment on was Saint Sharbel only! I gave many of Saint Sharbel’s novena books to everyone I knew who would take one. I am positive because of my faith in Saint Sharbel's intercession and all the religious articles I handed out that many other people were healed, also.
The story of my son’s healing was wonderful! He woke up one morning and his vision was very blurry. He went to the University of Michigan hospital and saw an eye doctor. The doctor gave him terrible news that he had a rare cancer in his eye that only attacks under 10 people per million! It was called Choroidal Melanoma. I was so worried. I prayed and prayed to Saint Sharbel, and I made sure my son's wife and children had the Sharbel novena books.
My son had two operations on his eye that caused him a lot of pain. At one point, he was given radiation in his eye, and no one was allowed in his room when he came home for fear they would be hurt by the strong radiation! He even had to put his own medication in his eye.
At some point, the doctor said that he would have to send a biopsy of his cancer to a big lab far away to see what level of cancer he had in his eye. The doctor said it would probably take about 6 weeks for him to get the lab report back. It was the longest 6 weeks of my and the rest of his family's lives.
The doctor said that this particular cancer had 3 possible outcomes:
Again, all of us prayed and prayed for Saint Sharbel's intercession. 6 weeks went by and no word. We were all a nervous wreck! Then one afternoon when I was at the grocery store, someone called me on my cell phone and said my son’s cancer was number 3!!!! I screamed out loud in the store: “My son will live. Thank you, Saint Sharbel!”
I am ashamed of myself for taking so long to write a testimonial of when Saint Sharbel healed my son Bob Morton’s eye cancer years ago. I did try to write a 3-page account, but I stopped because I realized it was Father Matthew Hinks that called me when he heard from his mother (Therese Harrington) who was one of my best friends and died a few months ago at the age of 96!!!!
At Therese's funeral, I was able to talk to Father Matthew, and I told him I never finished the testimonial I had been asked to write because I only heard from him how powerful Saint Sharbel was on a phone call after he had heard about my son’s illness through his wonderful mother (Therese), who he spoke to every Monday on the phone. (Father Hinks is stationed in Ohio; Therese and I were in Vermont.)
When I [originally] spoke with Fr. Hinks, I asked him how he found out what a powerful Saint Saint Sharbel was. He told me that a woman who attended one of his retreats came up to him after it was over and told him that she had inoperable brain cancer. Fr. Hinks and this woman prayed to Saint Sharbel for God to heal her!
Fr. Hinks told me that it was not long at all, maybe a month or two after he and the sick woman spoke, that this woman came back to where he was and told him that she had proof from her doctors that her brain cancer was healed! He also told me that this woman bought a plane ticket to the country of Lebanon where Saint Sharbel was buried. She walked into the large office near the gravesite of Saint Sharbel and told the people there where she had come from and that she wanted them to know that Saint Sharbel had healed her brain cancer, and of course she showed them all the proof. They told her that they were so happy for her but that her miracle was the 646th in that month!!!!
When I heard this news from Fr. Hinks, I could not wait to look Saint Sharbel up on the internet. Once I did, I contacted the closest office containing Saint Sharbel religious articles, which happened to be in Virginia. I found the address on the internet. My letter was answered with a phone call from a wonderful member of the Family of Saint Sharbel who was in charge of sending religious articles like novena books, beautiful metals, relics, and books about Saint Sharbel’s life. I immediately asked him to send me many of the wonderful religious articles.
My prayer life from that moment on was Saint Sharbel only! I gave many of Saint Sharbel’s novena books to everyone I knew who would take one. I am positive because of my faith in Saint Sharbel's intercession and all the religious articles I handed out that many other people were healed, also.
The story of my son’s healing was wonderful! He woke up one morning and his vision was very blurry. He went to the University of Michigan hospital and saw an eye doctor. The doctor gave him terrible news that he had a rare cancer in his eye that only attacks under 10 people per million! It was called Choroidal Melanoma. I was so worried. I prayed and prayed to Saint Sharbel, and I made sure my son's wife and children had the Sharbel novena books.
My son had two operations on his eye that caused him a lot of pain. At one point, he was given radiation in his eye, and no one was allowed in his room when he came home for fear they would be hurt by the strong radiation! He even had to put his own medication in his eye.
At some point, the doctor said that he would have to send a biopsy of his cancer to a big lab far away to see what level of cancer he had in his eye. The doctor said it would probably take about 6 weeks for him to get the lab report back. It was the longest 6 weeks of my and the rest of his family's lives.
The doctor said that this particular cancer had 3 possible outcomes:
- That the cancer would spread a throughout his body and would not even be helped by chemotherapy! He would have likely died in time.
- That this cancer would spread a little and Bob would need to take part in many medical trials that could take years to find a medicine that would heal this cancer.
- That Bob’s cancer would never spread, and he would live!
Again, all of us prayed and prayed for Saint Sharbel's intercession. 6 weeks went by and no word. We were all a nervous wreck! Then one afternoon when I was at the grocery store, someone called me on my cell phone and said my son’s cancer was number 3!!!! I screamed out loud in the store: “My son will live. Thank you, Saint Sharbel!”