Testimony of Georgette Larose (Louisiana, USA), 2019
My mother, Valerie Vercher, goes and prays at Mary's Helpers. I know with the type of woman my mother is, she prays for everyone else more than she prays for herself, that's just how she is.
My name is Georgette LaRose, and I was blessed with my first child and son at the age of 40. A boy named Luke. He is a loving child, funny and he has the greatest and biggest imagination any child can have. So here my story and testimony goes...
At the age of 3, I could tell that Luke was always on the go, he never would stop. At first, everyone would tell me, he's a boy, he is supposed to be active. But I could see it was a different type of activity, he would never, never stop, always on the go. And then I noticed that he wouldn't speak, so the type of mother I was, I brought this up to his pediatrician, and we had him evaluated numerous times. Autism was one of the things, that stuck in my head, as he displayed some of the symptoms. We placed him in school, and the school couldn't handle him, as I was told that "he literally wore the teachers out." So we were asked to put him some place else. I was very fortunate at the time to find a "godsend of a lady" to watch Luke and she continues to watch him during the holidays and during the summer. She also raised a son with similar characteristics as Luke, so she could relate to Luke and he related to her.
Three years ago, Luke finally got a diagnosis of being ADHD, Developmental Delayed and also Sensory Processing Disorder. So from private school, he was placed in public school (he is in Special Ed), where he started receiving the help and understanding that private school couldn't provide for my son. Many days and nights, I would cry myself to sleep and then I would cry during the day wondering what did I do wrong. And my mom, would tell me to pray and pray. And I was told numerous times, that God knew what he was doing when he gave me a special child, because God thought that I was special and I could handle it. And there are times, when it's hard. But I constantly pray and ask God, "Please don't change my son, just give me the strength to deal with him." And it has helped my tremendously.
So one evening, I was picking Luke up from school and my mom handed me a brown paper bag and she told me Mrs. Gayle said to put this oil on Luke at night and say a prayer and then burn some incense and rub a piece of cloth on him. The oil, prayer and incense and a relic that all connect to a saint named St Charbel. It has been close to three months that I have been doing this to my son every night. He is also on medication which was a very hard decision I had to make, but within those three months, my son has went from red days (bad days) and now he is receiving purple days (outstanding days). I have seen so much change in my son. The most important thing to me is his education, I wanted him to learn and not to be labeled as a bad kid. I truly believe with my faith in Jesus Christ and with help from St Charbel, Luke has made significant progress. He still has his days, but nothing like before. And I also believe that God has answered my prayer by sending him a teacher that has helped him so much. Since praying to St Charbel, his school days are wonderful. I don't have to have my heart in my throat and have my anxiety out of control waiting for the phone to ring.
Some people would say oh it's the medicine, maybe so... but my faith and my heart tells me, it's St Charbel and also the fact that Luke's teacher was sent to him through prayer to help him, teach him and have patience with him. I tell her all the time, she is what an answered prayer looks like. And she has turned Luke into a LEARNING MACHINE. All of this is from prayer. And I will never stop praying for my child. And lastly, prayer does work. It may not happen immediately, but having faith and believing that God is always on your side and he makes things happen on his time. Just have faith and don't stop praying.
To the people at Mary's Helpers:
Thank you for sending me and introducing me and my son to St Charbel and also thank you for all the prayers you all have offered to my son. They are working.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart and please keep the prayers coming. They are working.
Sincerely, Georgette LaRose
My name is Georgette LaRose, and I was blessed with my first child and son at the age of 40. A boy named Luke. He is a loving child, funny and he has the greatest and biggest imagination any child can have. So here my story and testimony goes...
At the age of 3, I could tell that Luke was always on the go, he never would stop. At first, everyone would tell me, he's a boy, he is supposed to be active. But I could see it was a different type of activity, he would never, never stop, always on the go. And then I noticed that he wouldn't speak, so the type of mother I was, I brought this up to his pediatrician, and we had him evaluated numerous times. Autism was one of the things, that stuck in my head, as he displayed some of the symptoms. We placed him in school, and the school couldn't handle him, as I was told that "he literally wore the teachers out." So we were asked to put him some place else. I was very fortunate at the time to find a "godsend of a lady" to watch Luke and she continues to watch him during the holidays and during the summer. She also raised a son with similar characteristics as Luke, so she could relate to Luke and he related to her.
Three years ago, Luke finally got a diagnosis of being ADHD, Developmental Delayed and also Sensory Processing Disorder. So from private school, he was placed in public school (he is in Special Ed), where he started receiving the help and understanding that private school couldn't provide for my son. Many days and nights, I would cry myself to sleep and then I would cry during the day wondering what did I do wrong. And my mom, would tell me to pray and pray. And I was told numerous times, that God knew what he was doing when he gave me a special child, because God thought that I was special and I could handle it. And there are times, when it's hard. But I constantly pray and ask God, "Please don't change my son, just give me the strength to deal with him." And it has helped my tremendously.
So one evening, I was picking Luke up from school and my mom handed me a brown paper bag and she told me Mrs. Gayle said to put this oil on Luke at night and say a prayer and then burn some incense and rub a piece of cloth on him. The oil, prayer and incense and a relic that all connect to a saint named St Charbel. It has been close to three months that I have been doing this to my son every night. He is also on medication which was a very hard decision I had to make, but within those three months, my son has went from red days (bad days) and now he is receiving purple days (outstanding days). I have seen so much change in my son. The most important thing to me is his education, I wanted him to learn and not to be labeled as a bad kid. I truly believe with my faith in Jesus Christ and with help from St Charbel, Luke has made significant progress. He still has his days, but nothing like before. And I also believe that God has answered my prayer by sending him a teacher that has helped him so much. Since praying to St Charbel, his school days are wonderful. I don't have to have my heart in my throat and have my anxiety out of control waiting for the phone to ring.
Some people would say oh it's the medicine, maybe so... but my faith and my heart tells me, it's St Charbel and also the fact that Luke's teacher was sent to him through prayer to help him, teach him and have patience with him. I tell her all the time, she is what an answered prayer looks like. And she has turned Luke into a LEARNING MACHINE. All of this is from prayer. And I will never stop praying for my child. And lastly, prayer does work. It may not happen immediately, but having faith and believing that God is always on your side and he makes things happen on his time. Just have faith and don't stop praying.
To the people at Mary's Helpers:
Thank you for sending me and introducing me and my son to St Charbel and also thank you for all the prayers you all have offered to my son. They are working.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart and please keep the prayers coming. They are working.
Sincerely, Georgette LaRose